
Hi everyone here is my Salvation writing. In my writing I have described the scene, situation, how the character feels and what they learn in the end . I really enjoyed creating this story because I love writing my own stories.

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Sentence 1

(describe your character)

Caroline’sΒ hair was as black as the night sky, her eyes shimmered in the shining sun.Β 
Sentence 2

(describe the scene)

Trees were burnt, the ocean was covered in plastic, streets were filled with rubbish, factories filled the air with smoke and people were sick.
Sentence 3

(Conflict – what is the problem?)

After many years pollution ruined the earth, everyΒ  survivor from across the planet gathered in one country hoping for the best.
Sentence 4

(Conflict – how does your character feel?)

Caroline’sΒ heartΒ  was racing in hope that everyone would survive..
Sentence 5

(resolution – how is the problem solved?)

Everyone rebuilds civilisationΒ by growing fruits and vegetables. They built farms, houses and grew trees.
Sentence 6

(how characters have changed)

The people realised to look after the earth andΒ  to look after one another.Β Β 





Describe in detail the moment in time represented by the picture.Β 

Think about your character’s senses to help you add detail. What might they be seeing, touching, smelling, hearing, feeling and wondering?Β Β 

Challenge: Use this story starter (you can change the name)

With the world in ruins, they began to board the ship in hope of salvation…

With the world in ruins, they began to board the ship in hope of salvation…  Caroline and her dad had survived from a dangerous event ofΒ  pollution. Trees were burnt, the ocean was covered in plastic, streets were filled with rubbish, factories filled the air with smoke and people were sick.Β  Every survivor from across the earth contacted each other using a radio and planned to meet up at a location. Caroline’s hair was as black as the night sky, her eyes shimmered in the shining sun.Β  She and her father ran into the car and quickly drove to the location. They bought a first aid kit, some food, water, clothes and breathing masks.Β  When they reached their destination everyone was resting and waiting for the others. Hours passed by, Caroline and her dad slept in their car, two hours later an unfamiliar circular aircraft was floating in the night sky. As the ship landedΒ  everyone gathered around it andΒ  as the door openedΒ  these creatures stepped out.Β  They looked very familiar to humans, the creatures shouted , ON OUR HOME PLANETΒ  WEΒ  HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE! Β  People started to board the aircraft untilΒ  Caroline screamed,Β  STOP! Β  We have everything we need to rebuild our civilisation! Β  Yeah!Β  Shouted another person, and so her dad supported her words and everybody got off the ship.Β  FINE!Β  Yelled the aliens. So by planting and rebuilding the earth their planet was as good as new. CarolineΒ felt glad because humans were able to rebuild their own home.

The people realised how to look after the earth andΒ  to look after one another.


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