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My Batman Writing!

Hi everyone, here is my writing about Batman. I made a description of the scene, character, how the character feels, what the problem is, and how it is solved. I then applied these tools into a story. I think having my sentences ready for my story is easy. I think finding descriptive words is hard for me. I enjoy creating my own stories and using descriptive words, as this makes the story sound interesting.

Have you done some descriptive writing?

Blog You Later!



Write 6 sentences that detail who the story is about, where the story is set, what problem/conflict happens in the story, how they handle the problem, how the problem is solved and how the characters change.


Sentence 1

(describe your character)

His black outfit shimmers in the summer sun, his cape rises as it feels the wind and his name is Batman.
Sentence 2

(describe the scene)

Black cats filled the alleys, the tall apartments created long shadows that covered the city.
Sentence 3

(Conflict – what is the problem?)

Batman tries to stop bank robbers from robbing Gotham cities bank vaults
Sentence 4

(Conflict – how does your character feel?)

Batman was tired and stressed because he couldn’t find a way to stop the robberies.
Sentence 5

(resolution – how is the problem solved?)

Batman tricks and traps the villains with his helpful sidekick Robin.
Sentence 6

(how characters have changed)

Batman realises he can use easier solutions to fight criminals andΒ  to listen to people’s ideas.


Describe in detail the quest or challenge the hero is facing.Β 

Challenge – Use this sentence in your writing Ring ring…Ring ring…Ring ring… There was a call from the phonebox on the corner… Β Β 

In Gotham city crime spreaded fast. Black cats filled the alleys, the tall apartments created long shadows that covered the city. There were bank robberies every night, but a brave hero wanted to put an end to it. His black outfit shimmers in the summer sun, his cape rises as it feels the wind and his name is Batman. As Batman slowly walked down the dark street he heard a scream from a nearby apartment. Quickly he ran into the red apartment like the wind and saw a man trying to rob a woman. Batman PUNCHED the man in the face and victoriously sent him to jail, Batman went to his lair. Batman was tired and stressed because he couldn’t find a way to stop the robberies. Unitil his sidekick Robin said what if you trap them,Β  Batman said that’s an amazing idea. Ring ring…Ring ring…Ring ring… There was a call from the phonebox on the corner, Batman rushed to the phone box and it was the mayor, he said there was a big bank robbery about to happen!Β  The hero and his sidekick grabbed their weapons, jumped into the Batmobile andΒ  zoomed to the bank. As soon as they got to the bank Batman set up a hologram of the Gotham city bank vault and dug a six footΒ 

hole, then put a net over it. Their marvellousΒ  plan worked! The robbers ran straight through the hole and were sent to jail.Β 

That night Batman learnt that he could use easier solutions and to listen to others around him.

The End.


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